A review by laurapk
Hype: A Doctor's Guide to Medical Myths, Exaggerated Claims, and Bad Advice - How to Tell What's Real and What's Not by Nina Shapiro, Kristin Loberg


Nothing special for someone already up to date with the fads. Occasionally the author's logic was questionable: for e.g. she discusses the potential risk of marijuana as a gateway drug despite it being debunked so many times, and that it's not an issue in other countries where MJ is legal (say The Netherlands) because there are other factors driving the opioid epidemic in the US. Other times she makes general statements that are incorrect - for e.g. I'm a big pro vaxxer and I'm sick and tired of the anti-vaxxer movement but I have to admit the early 20th century anti-vax movement was linked to poor quality and rampant contamination of small-pox vaccines; so despite the author's claims that anti-vaxxers never helped, they actually did, they pushed for a standard of production that made vaccines safer in early 20th century. These types of general statements are more likely to push people away if they're on the sidelines so I think this books mostly preaches to the choir.