A review by sherri22
Sexual Personae: Art & Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson by Camille Paglia


I remember I had to read this book or at least some chapters for a college course and I came away from it by not liking and refusing to finish it. Fast forward several years, and this book again has come up on a “course reading list.” The past me is trying to conceive the present me, not to read this book. Well, I have grown since the past me, and I found that just because you didn’t like it then, you might like it now.
A great quote by Anthony Burgess expresses how I felt both times I have tried and succeed in reading this book. Sexual Persona is a fine and disturbing book. It seeks to attack the reader’s emotions as well as his/her prejudices. It is very learned. Each sentence jabs like a needle.”

Even though I have grown from my first encounter with this book, I still have a long way to go to completely understand everything in this book. I can appreciate how much time and research went into this book. Camille did an unbelievable job. Some chapters were easier for I knew the literature she was going into depth with, and some of the comparing literature/art. A main comparison she pulls from throughout the entire book The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spencer. Her approach throughout Sexual Persona is to combine disciplines from literature, art history, psychology, and religion.
I think this book would be great to keep returning to, especially if you need an in-depth look on a piece of artwork or a work of literature to an individual.