A review by tallulahk
The Colossus: And Other Poems by Sylvia Plath


The writing is stunning and super lyrical; I feel like there's all these layers to the text that I can't understand yet but it's still amazing to read, just for how Plath uses language to convey this incredible body of meaning. It's written in a very personal way, like an inside joke but with ideas and the time period she lived in and her own history. So many of these I feel like there's an explanation or a subtext we're supposed to get that I'm just like not getting, but still like reading them. favorite poems this time around: lorelei, suicide at egg rock, the ghost's leavetaking, the stones

"what i want back is what I was/Before the bed, before the knife,/(...)/Horses fluent in the wind,/A place, a time gone out of mind."

"i dream that i am oedipus" lol

"sun struck the water like a damnation./(...)/And his blood beating the old tattoo/I am, I am, I am."

"Everything glittered like blank paper."

"Dry-eyed, the inveterate patriarch/Raised his men of skin and bone,/Barbs on the crown of gilded wire,/Thorns on the bloody rose-stem."

"This is the kingdom of the fading apparition" it's just so good

"faces blank as the day I was born"
