A review by bookishbuddies
World Mythology in Bite-Sized Chunks by Mark Daniels


2,5 stars!

This book was quite a disappointment. The premise sounded very interesting, but the execution was definitely lacking. I am quite happy that there was also quite some information about lots of different mythologies across the world, but nonetheless I am still disappointed that the majority of the book was made up of the (same old, same old) Greek and Roman mythology you see in every book. I would have liked for the focus to be on something else for a change.

In addition to this, most of the parts and stories in this book felt very disjointed and fragmented. I get that the book is called "World Mythology in Bite-Sized Chunks", but I feel like the overall book (and even each individual chapter) could have been made more cohesive. As it is right now, the book just jumped from one place/story/character to another without any sort of explanation or introduction and this really grated on my nerves.

All in all, this book was definitely interesting, but the focus should have been more on actual world mythology than on the standard Greek and Roman mythologies. I also think this book should have been edited more to flow a lot better, because right now it felt very chunky (see what I did there? ha. ha.)