A review by dg_reads
The Captivating Flames of Madness by Jeff Parsons


I received a complimentary ebook of THE CAPTIVATING FLAME OF MADNESS by Jeff Parsons as part of a book tour from Blackthorn Book Tours! Thank you to Blackthorn Book Tours and Jeff Parsons for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review!

THE CAPTIVATING FLAME OF MADNESS is a short story collection which promises to examine what happens when one turn of events changes life forever “like a moth to the flame”. The stories are varied, but center on dark themes. A German submarine in 1944 is attacked by supernatural forces exacting revenge for the sub’s occupant’s actions during the war. In 2023, a new party is in power and no crime is permitted, but is the world nearly as perfect as it is made out to be? A hacker attempts to hack those who have what he wants, but is what he wants really worth getting?

I was impressed with the variety of stories, from historical to futuristic, from the drought in California suddenly hit with rain to a plane in mid-flight which encounters the unexpected. The cast of characters includes monsters, ghosts, aliens, gods, pirates and more!

As with any story collection, some stories resonated with me more than others, but overall I really enjoyed reading this collection over the last few weeks. I always enjoy keeping short stories on hand to pick up between longer reads and this is a collection I would recommend for just such a purpose!

I am not a reader that is easily scared by a book, so I wouldn’t say that this collection frightened me. That said, the author did a great job of building up the spooky atmosphere in many of these stories even in the relatively small number of pages allotted to a short story. For me, this makes this a a perfect read for a chilly, fall evening!

If you are looking for a good mix of creepy stories perfect for the fall season, this is a collection to add to your TBR. THE CAPTIVATING FLAME OF MADNESS by Jeff Parsons is out now!!