A review by carlysgrowingtbr
The Kingdom of Copper by S.A. Chakraborty


This book picks up around 5 years after the first book. I did like that they made it very clear that there was a break in time between the books, but I really would've liked to have seen some of the things that happened within that timeframe so I was a little disappointed in that. But it was written in such a way that I was caught up very quickly, and was not confused about what it happened during the interim. Overall, it was a small complaint because they do explain some things that happened pretty quickly into the book.

This book was definitely a solid, follow up to the first book. It did not suffer from "Second book syndrome" at all in my opinion. The pacing was right on par and kept you interested and engaged. The character development continued, as well as the development to the plot, and it was all very intriguing. This book did not have a lot of emotion for me so I didn't actually cry during this book like I did during the first and the third. But it was very action packed and probably one of my favorite out of the trio.