A review by serialromancelibrarian
His Ranch, His Rules by Shanna Handel


This was my first book by this author. I did not expect to, yet I LOVED this book. Georgia was so relatable. I’ve been there with my heart broken, and her descent into alcohol overindulgence is so typical of what a lot of people experience. I loved how even though she was hurting, she didn’t have a victim mentality. She womaned up and owned her shortcomings.

Brody, oh my! He was everything I didn’t know I wanted to read about. He was sweet, but stern, understanding and nurturing, yet quick to judge. He was very hard on Georgia and he was unfair to her, but he made up for it.

This book was a fun escape. I cringed and chuckled while I read it. There were a few typos, but the story flowed well. The dialogue and banter were great. I’ll look for more from this author.