A review by imjustcupcake
Blue Boat by Kersten Hamilton


Blue Boat is about a rescue boat that happens to be, well, blue. The story within its pages is that the boat is off to save a family that is stuck out in the water and a super dangerous, scary storm in coming in.

There really isn't much more to the story than that. I would say the majority of this story is in the artwork which is fun and bright. It is entertaining enough, but as a parent, I would like a bit more to the story than was actually there.

The nice thing though is that not only does this book come as a normal picture book, but it also comes as a board book. So you can get a much harder to destroy copy that you can let your little boat lover have to look at whenever their hearts desire!

This review is based on a copy provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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