A review by mschlat
Barn 8 by Deb Olin Unferth


I've been finding it really difficult to describe this novel. The shortest path I've found is this: imagine [a:Elmore Leonard|12940|Elmore Leonard|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1240015224p2/12940.jpg] writing about a plot by animal activists to free far too many chickens from an industrial egg farm. But that description doesn't cover much of the heart Unferth puts in the book, heart in the form of characters searching for meaning and mistaking where it is, and heart in the form of many moving passages on the thoughts, habits, and dreams of chickens. (The book waffles somewhat on the merits of animal activism, but it is heavily pro-chicken.)

Practically every major character is a complex mass of drives and wishes (many ill-formed), and Unferth wonderfully weaves them together with chicken liberation as the nexus. So, for example, we have a chicken egg farm auditor named Cleveland who, frustrated with her lack of impact on the farms but in love with the process of auditing, starts ferreting out a chicken or two, thus inspiring her new underling Janey (whose mother babysat Cleveland as a kid and imprinted heavily on the senior auditor) to hatch a plan to liberate a farm's worth of chickens, for apparently no other reason than to give the chickens freedom. And then you add in experienced animal activists, the egg farmer, a security guard, and several hundred helpers, and the plan comes together as the motivations drift further and further apart.

Unferth writes such with a strong sense of affection for everyone in the novel that even when the narrative took one of its many odd turns (chicken eschatology?), I kept on reading with a sense of trust. Yes, there's a lot of tragedy and horror in the book (including many unflinching looks at the egg industry), but Unferth still keeps a sense of hope alive throughout.