A review by tjlcody
Amy Chelsea Stacie Dee by Mary G. Thompson



If you've ever read [b: Living Dead Girl|2954411|Living Dead Girl|Elizabeth Scott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1314272108s/2954411.jpg|2983897] and enjoyed it, then this is the book for you.

The author does a superb job at pacing out the story so that we have information about what's happened, but not so much that we know everything that's happened until they're revealed to us by Amy.

I think what I loved most, though, was
SpoilerAmy's overall conflict with how she handled being held hostage especially regarding her relationship with Dee and the kids. I mean, it would have been easy to write a story about a girl who did all the things Amy tells Dr. Kayla she wishes she could have done: Kicked, screamed, offered to be raped in Dee's place.

But instead the author chose to go the more complex way of handling it: Amy was scared. She wanted to survive. She wanted to have a distraction from their confinement, so she showered love on the kids. And she is tormented with guilt when she accidentally kills Dee, who attempts to harm the two children.

It was beautiful. I can't emphasize enough how well-done this story was. It broke my heart, and I absolutely recommend it.