A review by vikologia
Мэйфейрские ведьмы by Anne Rice, Энн Райс


In the beginning I couldn't understand what's going on. Some kind of doctors, some kind of women, some kind of man with a tragic life. What's all this about? I often stopped reading such stories after a 100 pages, but Anne Rice's writing is so good, she is to talented at choosing words, describing every detail, creating her own world, that it was impossible to stop reading.

The story centres around Rowan, a neurosurgeon from San-Francisco with strange abilities and Michael, a talented renovation specialist who's lost the meaning of life. Lasher - nobody knows where that creature came from and... how old is it. Talamsca - a society of scientists who study paranornmal events and people with paranormal abilities throughout the centuries. And... many other characters.

A big part of the book is dedicated to the "files" on the Mayfair witches. Thanks to these files the reader gets the feeling that this story is real. I have never met such a detailed and yet vivid storytelling before. The files are naturally built into the storyline and you don't feel confused at all. Although when reading about the past you already know what's going on in the present, it is still an interesting read. Mysteries and innuendoes keep your attention till the very end.

This book has everything in it. And not all of it is pleasant stuff. But that's life, guys. Life is not always pleasant too.

Ghastly experiments on the human bodies, a lot of detailed sex scenes, loads of deaths, incest, mysteries, mysticism, magic, historical facts, The Middle Ages, love, fear...

Anne Rice created a story that is impossible not to believe in. Of course, I will continue reading it.
I recommend this book to everyone who is into witchcraft topics, magic and mysterious events and also those, who long to dive into a story completely, if you know what I mean.