A review by cupcates
City of Ghosts by V.E. Schwab


The most common comments regarding this book I see are all about how it feels like there's no plot, that the characters are bland, and that Victoria Schwab's writing isn't at its best in City of Ghosts.

Well, I disagree. This book is the first in a series and, when you take that into consideration, you have to remember there has to be an introduction to this universe. Personally, I thought this book was a wonderful introduction to the world of Cassidy Blake. Even though the characters didn't feel as fleshed out as I would have liked, this is still Victoria Schwab, and I just know it's going to get better.

Besides: this is a middle-grade book. I have no idea why people expected it to be full of purple prose and nonsense metaphors the target audience probably wouldn't fully understand.