A review by readcover2cover
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert


2.5 stars. To be honest, I did not finish it. I started it because I had it forever. I actually enjoyed it more at first than I expected to, and I did like Flaubert's writing style. However, I have many other things to read and it didn't grip me enough to keep going. I googled the ending, and all I can say is . . . geez. It made me glad I didn't finish it. I wouldn't have wanted to read it.

My understanding is that it is supposed to be a criticism of society, not necessarily of Emma's behavior. I got that from the tone throughout. The message is basically about the importance of being content and not always wanting or needing more. I think it is a good message for today's society as well, but I just didn't feel the need to get all the way through this one. I'm glad I finally picked it up, but I only feel a tiny bit sorry that I'm not finishing it.