A review by lucylovesreading
Come To Dust by Bracken MacLeod


Mitch and Sophie are all they have, since Mitch’s sister took off to follow her drummer boyfriend. He hasn’t put himself first since Sophie became his ward, but with the little girl’s help he has learned how to re-enter society after a stint in prison for attacking Sophie’s father and nearly killing him over a misunderstanding. But when he finally decides to do something for himself by going on a date with a beautiful girl he met at the grocery store everything changes. He comes home to find his baby-sitter MIA and her “mother” drunk in his living room. Sophie appears to be fine when he check on her but after a night spent with his date he wakes up to find Sophie dead. This spirals him into a police investigation and mourning the loss of his niece. Until weeks later he gets a call from his now girlfriend frantically telling him to turn on the news, but he doesn’t understand what she’s trying to tell him until they show up at the morgue to find his dead niece sitting on a chair, seemingly alive..

Is this a sign of the second coming or as some of the religious zealots think they were ghouls that should be shot in the head. Mitch knows that he must do everything to protect Sophie from those that wish her harm and protect them from Sophie. What he doesn’t plan on is his sister showing up with Sophie’s father, and that they both are now members of the religious cult that is calling for people to shoot these children in the head.

Full of action, suspense and zombie goodness. This was a quick read and did not disappoint. @nocturnal does it again, this was from their July box! A freakishly good zombie fiction.