A review by princesszinza
The Six: The Lives of the Mitford Sisters by Laura Thompson


I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for a fair review.

I had no idea who the Mitford sisters were. By coincidence I read a book about Kathleen Kennedy immediately before starting this book and Deborah Mitford was featured.

Just like the Kathleen Kennedy book, I had a hard time starting out with this one. I feel that this book was written for someone who already knew of the Mitfords. The story moves quickly among all the family members. At first I had difficulty figuring out which sister was which. As it moved along into the pre-World War II period, I began to get more interested and had sorted out which sister was which. It was Unity Mitford's story that really pulled me in and kept me reading.

Although I was told again and again how captivating and clever the Mitfords were, I never found out why. Unity, Diana and Jessica were extremists who had created havoc with their political beliefs. Nancy was the family tattle-tale who embarrassed the whole family with her autobiographical novels. Pamela and Deborah are portrayed as the most normal of the sisters.