A review by juliaem
And Then She Fell by Stephanie Laurens


Hmf. I feel mildly resentful I read this. The main characters are both likeable, and I like the friendship their romantic relationship is built upon, but MY GOD are the sex scenes euphemistic to the point of ridiculousness. During such passages, Laurens overutilizes techniques like alliteration or even rhyme with so much repetition that it adds a Seussian feel I highly doubt was what she was going for. Here's a quote another goodreads reviewer excerpted that captures the absurdity nicely:

"Reassuring, restating, revisiting, and reiterating, they dived in again, plunged in again, seized and surrendered and shared the scintillating delights once again."

WUT. Stop the madness! Plus, it's also a murder mystery, except there's less suspense-building, and more "let's have as many characters as possible in the large Cynster family discuss the actual logistics of how they might catch the criminal," which was boring. On the upside, one of the lending libraries I frequent is full of Laurens' other novels, and now I know to steer clear unless desperately bored.