A review by natesea
The Wildlands by Abby Geni


“Maybe this was what her father had been trying to tell her. In his plainspoken way, he was reminding her that change was both inevitable and unstoppable. That little ripples could cause greater waves, unfurl into unexpected patterns. He was telling her not to dwell on the past or fret about the future, since every moment was followed by another, some wonderful, some terrible, all unpredictable and unknowable before hand, all essential components of the complexity of a vast and marvelous world.”
Abby Geni’s second book had high expectations after her astounding debut, but The Wildlands is a stumbling follow-up. The first third is engrossing, showing Geni’s ability to put you in the chaos of Cora’s and her family’s life. However, the rest is a bit of a mess. The characters fall flat, the plot too contrived, the events inauthentic. Cora keeps you reading, though, her perspective the most endearing... if only to get you through to the end. Hopefully Geni’s next book will return to the magic this one only shows glimpses of.