A review by pattyfgd
Foundation by Lainey Davis


Brady Family Book 1
by Lainey Davis
Narrated by Tom Taylorson and Carly Robins

Enemies to lovers, with a touch of sports and family feel, what is there not to love? Lainey Davis brings us Nicole and Zack, an unlikely team put together to race. Zack comes from an athletic team, and he is paired with Nicole to get her ready to run. No, she doesn't want help, she doesn't even want to race, but she has to. And Zack, really? She gives him a hard time at every turn. To make matters worse, Zack finds himself showing up at Nicole's house. A sink hole brings him there, and now these two adversaries have to spend even more time together. But what they find, is their feelings are not of dislike, but a pull-on attraction. Will these two find their way? Will it happen before Nicole's house sinks? Who will win the race? So much fun with the couple. Witty banter, arguments, building passion, and hysterical brothers give us chuckles and feels. I love Davis's writing style, her building of characters and the way I feel when I listen. Fun, easy, and a bit of humor kept me excited to hear this one!

And what can be said about this narration team? Tom Taylorson and Carly Robins bring it all! I love Taylorson, and his perception of Zack is spot on. He is a bit argumentative, and the push-pull he creates with Zack made me smile and warmed my heart. Robins comes in with Nicole, full of attitude, unforgiving and relentless. I love her spunkiness and she nails Nicole's personality. These two are perfect together!