A review by book_concierge
Joseph Had a Little Overcoat by Simms Taback


Taback was inspired by a traditional Yiddish folk song, that tells the tale of a poor man whose overcoat had many holes. He cuts is down to make a jacket, and when that is worn, he cuts it down further to make a vest. He continues in this way until there is nothing left … and then he makes a book! Proving that with some ingenuity you can make something from nothing.

Taback’s wonderfully detailed illustrations earned a Caldecott Medal. I found myself pouring over the vibrantly colored pages, full of small details that pictured traditional Jewish life in Poland. In his illustrations Taback includes letters, newspapers, portraits, books and posters. These details will appeal more to adults, but I marveled at the little history lessons included in them. He even has a “Fiddler on the Roof” in one illustration! I also love the cut-outs that show the use of fabric scraps.