A review by firedew
Running Target by Kari Lemor


Book #2 of Kari's Lemor's series isn't your average romance. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love and live happily ever after. In this book, we don't meet Callie and Jack until it's too late. They were in love, but Jack's cover has been blown, he's been critically injured, and he's forced to abandon the woman he loves - and their unborn son - or die. This cruel separation is the driving force at the center of this novel, and every moment you root for the characters to find a way for it to finally end.

It's a sweet romance with a side of bitter. (Which I love.) The family moments Callie and Jack managed to steal for themselves are heartwarming, and little Jonathan is too precious for words. Meanwhile, the plot twists and turns, danger always lurks nearby, and you never know who to trust. The drama gradually builds steam (of all kinds. Oh my. *fans self*) and before you know it, you're racing toward a riveting and scary as hell final confrontation with the mobster, Victor Cabrini. All in all, I'd say it's quite a ride.

For sure, worth the read.