A review by the_immortal_library
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl


I seriously only read it because the movie was coming out. (As it is the movie sucked a million times more) But that's what i do i compare movies to books.
It started off far too slow for me and at the end it seriously just became another twilight, (don't get me wrong i read the whole series) the main characters drive me crazy at time i just wanted to jump in and slap them across the face, but we all know that can't happen.... (can it?). I mean Lena, was a real pain at times, she was so hard trying to fit in but she kept herself outside still making herself an outcast. how does that work? and Ethan always so optimistic. always wanting to get away and never doing anything about it. For being a book about paranormal being and supernatural connections i think it could have been thought out a little better.

I just love to read the books may not always be good but the opportunity to be put into someone else's view makes the experience pleasurable.