A review by songwind
Jack of Thorns by A.K. Faulkner


I was given a code for the Audible version of this book in a giveaway on r/urbanfantasy on Reddit.

I seem to be making a habit lately of reading books that make for complicated reviews.

The Good
This book has a lot going for it. The basic plot summary is interesting, and not just a rehash of the most common UF/PR ideas.

The main characters are both complex and flawed. Both have very real issues and call out for empathy. The idea of two very broken people who learn to prop one another up and overcome their (bizarre) circumstances is very satisfying.

The growing friendship between the two main characters and their deepening affection for one another is handled well. I found them downright adorable from time to time.

The Not-So-Good
The most glaring issue with this book is Quentin, Earl of Banbury. In a lot of ways, he's a great character. He's droll, urbane, and lots of other positive adjectives. He's also sheltered and a bit naive of modern life, which is where the problem comes in. He's so out of the loop where it comes to idiom, technology and the lives of commoners that it's completely unbelievable. And since a good deal of the story is from Quentin's perspective, or involves Quentin and Lawrence interacting with the world together, it becomes more than a little bit frustrating.

The "posh Englishman" schtick also pushes into the realms of corniness frequently. Which is a real shame because absent those instances, he really is a good character.

The book could also do with some more fleshed-out women. The closest we get to one is Lawrence's mother, but she is very much a background character.

I ended up rating this book a 3/5 because I did really like the background, the basic plotline, the romance and the core of the characters. It could have been a solid 4 if more care had been taken with the drafting of Quentin. Ultimately, his over-the-top aspects weren't even particularly important to the story.