A review by linneahedvig
Cleaving: A Story of Marriage, Meat, and Obsession by Julie Powell


I love this woman.

This book was great, cozy and cathartic. It just felt so, well, strangely wholesome to read about cutting up animals and figuring out life and men and affairs and marriage and cooking meat. I loved her descriptions of the butcher shop. It felt like the kind of place we're all looking for, that kind of community, the humor, the sarcasm, the large haunches of pork... the coffee. I love reading about people drinking hot beverages. It's really relaxing for me. I don't know, I just found the whole thing weirdly encouraging. Reading about someone else fumbling through life and not giving up, it's just good. That's how I felt when I read [b:Julie and Julia|3632689|Julie and Julia|Julie Wilson|http://www.goodreads.com/images/nocover-60x80.jpg|3675517], back when I'd just graduated from college and that's how I felt reading this now.

It's also nice to read about someone else who goes to Buffy for comfort when things get hard.