A review by maxines_obsessions
Hidden by Mason Sabre


Seriously wtf??

The world building in this series is so bad. The character development is non existent.... Stephen... Wouldn't it be nice to know what is going on with him, but we never find out, it seems like the author was aiming for mysterious and failed miserably. The passage of time between the books in the series is stupid, yes at the end of the third book let's have them heading of to exile because no one could know about the pregnancy and then in this novella they haven't left and Gemma is giving birth. The plot holes were never ending.
I'm so annoyed I continued with this series after the second one. I should have stopped made up my own story and it would have been better than this. I have no idea how this series got so many decent reviews.

I could keep going about all the he things that irked me, but I won't. Just don't do it to yourself.