A review by guido_the_nature_guide
Future Crimes by Marc Goodman


Goodman has extremely important and exigent information and warnings to impart, and this book should be widely read and heeded. That is also part of the problem with the book - after repeated examples of cybercrime and forecasts of doom, this reader began to be desensitized and suspected that the author suffered from the Chicken Little syndrome. Of course, his reportage and prognostications are valid, and, unlike Cassandra, his prophesies should be heeded. My criticism is only of the presentation. At times it reads like the presentation of a seminar speaker, although lacking the dynamism required for a motivational speech. By the end I thought I was a baby seal encountering the club for the umpteenth time. As to the subtitle, the "Everyone is Vulnerable" is strong, but the "What We Can Do About It" not so much. Well, gotta run - I have to go change a passel of passwords and enable file encryption.