A review by storycraft
أيام تشاوشيسكو الأخيرة by Patrick McGuinness

from my blog:

The Last Hundred Days by Patrick McGuinness is a fictional account of the last months of Ceausescu’s rule in Romania. We visited Romania a couple years ago and couldn’t find a copy of this beautifully written book while we were there. McGuinness’s writing evokes memorable images. The narrator describes all the old guidebooks he sees laying around in contrast with the tremendous building boom happening in Bucharest when he arrives. He comments that “People around here seemed to have guide books for every epoch except the one they lived in.” The atmosphere is heavy, the weight of surveillance and mistrust is palpable. If you’ve ever been to or wondered about Romania, it’s a great book to read.

Original post: http://bit.ly/2HeSXja