A review by merrybelletrist
Lucifer at the Starlite: Poems by Kim Addonizio


Okay, I'm experimenting with a different approach to writing reviews. I actually made notes as I read this! It helps that I didn't start with a novel which is longer and can't be read in one sitting (normally. Depends on me mood know what I mean?). I've broken down this review into categories. There were poems that I finished reading and I was automatically like "favorite!" and others I liked but was unsure about. So without that explained. You may begin maestro...


What I noticed about my poems from this list and that they all were about relationships or love in some way. I believe Ms. Addonizio is great about writing about the downside of love, etc. My favorites in this category were:

For You
Forms of Love
You With The Crack Running Through You
Suite pour les Amour Perdus

Tough to Read

When I say tough I don't mean in syntax or it didn't make sense. I mean the subject matter hit very close to home. I recently lost my grandmother and one of the poems that landed in this category, There Seems No Way to Get At It just really hit me. It's like why did you wait so long to ask important questions like what's your favorite color grandma? I knew my grandma, but I didn't know her.

Poems in this category:

Easeful Death
There Seems to Be Not to Get At It

Like But Not Love

Do you ever read something and you're like: I really, really liked that but I didn't quite love it. It has bits and pieces that you honest to God loved, but other bits that you didn't care for? Sort of like a 3.5-star rating on a book.

In this category

Storm Catechism
The First Line is The Deepest
The Smallest Town Alive

Laugh About It Poems

I love to laugh. But when it comes to my poetry reading tastes I don't often do it so I had to make note of this.

Poems in this category:

Book Burning
God Olde

And finally the last but very important one.

Poems That Make Me Think

These poems made stop and go damn. Especially Semper from this category. I've never really thought of Ms. Addonizio as a political poet, but now I see she writes about an entire spectrum of things. Considering when this book was released (in 2004 three years after 9/11) it was a topic that was everywhere. Semper starts like her other poetry and I wasn't expecting what I got, but it made me think about war and how it relates to masculinity.

Poems in this category

Half Blind Elegies

Ms. Addonizio is rapidly becoming one of my favorite poets. I can by the fact by how excited I was that not only was she releasing a new book of poems, but a memoir. Oh yes, I love a good biography! I can't wait to read both.