A review by annemariewellswriter
The Bhagavad Gita by


I did not enjoy this text attempting to form the rationale justifying violence. Arjuna, a warrior facing a battle against his family, friends, and neighbors, asks Krishna, an incarnation of the Hindu deity Visnu, “what great force/urges [people]... into [evil],/even if [they] are unwilling”(III. 37-39). Krishna responds that desire leads to evil and commands, “slay the foe whose form is desire,/so hard to conquer, Arjuna”(III. 45-46). Ironically, Krishna's response instructs Arjuna that even if he is unwilling to perform the evil act of murder, he would be forced into it because of desire to kill those who desire. I know that The Bhagavad Gita was Mahatma Gandhi's bible, but I guess I missed something.