A review by mehsi
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover


Just perfect, just wonderful, just wow...

This won't be a super long review, because, well too much can be spoiled and the book is too good to put into words. :)

I loved Ridge, I loved Sydney, I loved them together.

Sydney was a wonderful character, and I felt really sorry for her when she found out about her boyfriend. And go girl for punching both the boyfriend and the cheating girl. Really didn't expect that to happen, but that one pulled me in the story. I like a girl with an attitude. :)
Her reaction to Ridge and what he had? Loved it! How she acted like nothing was wrong, how she just continued to treat him normally.

Ridge was a great character, though I wish he had more balls and made decisions better. He hurt 2 girls, he stringed them along, and I think all that wasn't even needed if only he had been honest.
I really found it special that he could play music and all that with what he has.

I especially loved the text messages that went back and forth between the characters. I had a lot of laughter at things that were being said in there.

And even outside of that, I found some wonderful quotes that I will be keeping.

But of course, not all is laughter, there are tears. Sad ones, but also tears because of joy and happiness.

The side-characters are also strong and make the book even better than it already is. With the exception of Tori and Hunter, I loved all the side-characters.

I would recommend this book to everyone. Though fair warning, bring tissues. You will need those. :)