A review by doctorwithoutboundaries
Giant Days Vol. 6, Volume 6 by John Allison


Note: This is a review of issue #21, being the first chapter in this as yet uncollected volume.

“My ponytail is pulling on the top of my head so violently that my vision is distorted.”

These characters say the most absurd things and I love it! :D

This is the only series that I read one-a-month, and I can’t stop because it’s addictive. But now that Karen and another trusted reviewer have pointed out that the volumes are episodic and scattered, I’ve decided to pay close attention. They’re right about individual chapters being unrelated. Each chapter has its own plot but we also go from scene to scene at an insane pace. There’s not enough lingering and no logical transition. For instance, here’s page 16; it’s easy to follow since there’s only one central arc, but that last panel does feel totally random and abrupt:

It didn’t bother me much, but I can agree that there’s an apparent lack of control and planning. I like the messy mix of ideas but I understand why others find it annoying. To me, the issue remains a lot of fun and the series as a whole continues to provide a ton of laughter, relatable moments and heart.