A review by allisonhollingsworth
Veronica Ruiz Breaks the Bank by Elle Cosimano

funny lighthearted mysterious fast-paced


“Anyone can spot a window of opportunity, but not everyone can manage to fall straight through one.” I was so excited to read this because Vero is one of my favorite characters in the Finlay Donovan series, and this short story gave us her backstory! I did think that there was going to be a bit more of Vero and Finlay together, but it was only very brief at the ending. But because the story was so funny and believe I love Vero I had a great time with this. In the beginning Vero is breaking into her cousin Ramon’s apartment after dropping out of college because her sorority sisters have accused her of stealing money, and her arrest warrant (which is hinted about in the other books). So she’s really trying to lay low. The back-and-forth between Vero and Ramon is so great. They have a brother-sister relationship that’s pretty funny. So is the humor and chemistry between Vero and Javi, who is by chance living as Ramon’s roommate. And the two were a thing in high school before they went their separate ways, so they have all of this sexual tension built up between them that is very evident whenever they’re in the same room together, so that’s really fun to read. But both Javi and Ramon are protective of Vero, so that also comes through in this short story as Vero gets up to all sorts of shenanigans that gets her in trouble. After moving in with Ramon she decides she needs to get a job, and with a background in studying finance she tries to do so at a bank, but the only position available is for a janitor. She’s not going to take it, but then she overhears that someone is skimming off the top of their till and the manager is trying to find out who. Vero thinks that if she can solve the mystery, she can be the replacement for the job. So she takes the custodian position. From there she gets into a lot of trouble, of course, including breaking into people’s cars to find evidence and even making out with one of the employees to also see if she can find any evidence (Javi punches him and he never comes back to her after that lol). It lends itself to a lot of comedic moments because she’s a janitor, so she has an excuse for going places most people couldn’t. But Vero finds out with her sleuthing skills that the longest employee there is using is time in the bathroom (under the excuse of IBS) to smuggle in cash and deposit slips with his crossword puzzles and forge deposits and puts them in the trash. She busts him and he admits he’s been working there for so long and is treated terrible. Vero ends up securing the new job (with a bit of blackmail), but while she’s working at the till she hates how mean people can be, and she sees a woman struggling with her two children and lets her come to the front of the line. Before her boss can yell at her for this she quits and she runs into the woman in the parking lot. Who’s the woman? You guessed it, Finlay. Turns out she needs a babysitter… but yes, I had fun with this short story! It was funny, and I guess the only thing that was missing for me was the Finlay/Vero duo dynamic. But there’s another book coming so we will get more of that, I’m sure!