A review by peytiebird
The Love Machine by Jacqueline Susann


It definitely wasn't as good as Valley of the Dolls([b:Valley of the Dolls|50833|Valley of the Dolls|Jacqueline Susann|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1328281855s/50833.jpg|1203845]) but still enjoyable.

The book started off a little slow for me and I think it had a lot to do with the character of Amanda. Amanda is a sad beautiful blonde with a sweet heart in love with a man who will never love her back, but she's a bit of a pushover and in my book a bit of a bore.

The book really picks up when we meet Maggie Stewart who overcomes her obstacles and hardships just to come out stronger and become a perfect match for Robin Stone, the "Love Machine".

I think its also important to note that the book had a surprisingly likable and positive gay character named Sergio and a sympathetic Trans character, surprising for a book published in the 60's. Although they dropped the derogatory f-word a few too many times (no doubt, it was more commonly used then), Sergio was a likable and important character.

Like I said not as good as Valley of the Dolls but it had a happier ending which helps.