A review by ashmagoffin
White Noise by Raelke Grimmer


 Thank you to UWAP for sending me this book in exchange for a honest review.

Set in Darwin, White Noise follows Emma as she navigates the challenges of grief, trauma, autism and change. She takes a lot of responsibility on supporting her father while trying to cope with the loss of her mother three years prior. There are a lot of heavy topics that the characters are dealing with, I feel like this is important representation due to the amount of teenagers who face these problems today. From the growing pains of having your first boyfriend to the responsibility of being the eldest sibling there is lots for teenagers to relate to. Emma is autistic which is a diagnosis she has before the events of the book. The acceptance of Emma's autism was refreshing to see, it felt like it came from a place of love. There were a lot of loose ends not tied up but I thought this book served as an excellent snapshot of Emma's life in this moment of time. I feel like Grimmer captured Australian life authentically within the pages of this book.

This book would be an excellent addition to a school library and is out now.