A review by books_plants_hikes
The Shell Collector by Anthony Doerr


The Shell Collector Review:
It’s rare I give books less than 4 stars, because generally if i don’t like them i simply won’t finish them. This book is full of short stories which makes it difficult to read (at least for me) because you have to keep reconnecting to new characters and searching for connecting and meanings. Almost all, if not all are left with an opening ending, I believe this leaves things up the reader and in doing so helps the reader to explore themselves deeper.
I tried to look for a theme which connected all these stories and I’m sure different theme could be argued by different readers who have had different experiences and are at different junturas in life. Which again, leaves another element up to reader exploration.
The theme I found throughout was various versions of acceptance and failure of acceptance.

Here’s my favorite quote from the book which comes from the story Mkondo, “She was learning that in her life everything - health, happiness, even live - was subject to the landscape; the weathers of the world were inseparable from the weathers of her soul.”