A review by leelah
Broken Ink by Jack L. Pyke


2,5 stars

Trigger warning:
SpoilerScenes of physical violence against children, implied sexual violence against children.

Bare bones: Kiyen has ink on his body that gives him very special powers. He works for government agency as an assassin, but he is currently on the run..only, he has no idea why. He can't remember just what made him leave only family he ever knew and warranted psychic attacks and sexual torture from fellow assassin who is his brother in every other way that counts but blood. It doesn't help there is Second ink in town his Ink responds to.


Mixed feelings about this one.

There is a great premise and idea behind it, but
1)you have to be patient, because plot picks up seriously after 50% mark and
2)you have to dig up for story between copious amount of sex scenes.

About 1): Opening chapters are some of the best stuff I read from Pyke. It's a scene set in past- one that triggers everything else and determines main character's life. It's also suspenseful and pretty damn terrifying. But, as soon as we are switched to present time, with Kiyen awakening in a room, it's a mess. :| Seriously, everything is vague and dreamlike and you have no idea if it's in his mind or real. Now, I wouldn't mind this taunting with lack of info, but it simply dragged too long. At some point keeping reader in dark stops being suspenseful and just becomes confusing.:\
About 2): Here is the thing : I am a plot-driven reader. I am with you as long as plot is progressing in some direction. Any direction! Unfortunately, we follow Yen as he has these obscure sexual cravings for several guys, we don't know really understand why- we just know it has something to do with his ink. Then between those scenes he also have sex(?) with other dude who talks in his head, but he is actually there with him or not...you see what I mean? I am all for smut...as long as it's not suffocating the plot progression.
There was simply too much sex scenes...and not all of it was hot, imho. -__-

Now I am a bit conflicted about world-building simply because whole mythology and magic behind ink remains a mystery for reader. In after piece author writes that it's was hers and editor's choice to give as less information and explanations about ink as it's possible. I can't say I didn't need more, but for the life of me, I can't understand why was its use only restricted to sex. Especially in second part where we see that there are some other powers involved... I would think if you have psychic powers you would make people do all kind of things.. not just those of sexual nature. But if it was a deliberate move, I am not going to poke that. What I am going to poke is this: whole First Ink/Second Ink sexual dynamic was completely fucked up. I don't like it because it basically implies that person who bottoms is somehow lesser than person who tops. It's just wrong.. Even when Kiyen and Falon fight, Yen as First is looking at Falon from position of superiority because Seconds are sluts, but the only reason Falon rejects and dislikes about Yen's status of First ink is that he is capable of mind control!
"Fuck you, you slut!"
"No, fuck you, you mindfucker!"
What kind of effed up, irrational fight that is?! Oh, yeah, you got him there, Falon,nothing worse then being able to screw with everyone's head. -__-

But, second half was much, much better.
Pace picks up, some things get more clear and it's just as suspenseful as opening chapter.
Pyke can tell a story and she is not afraid to take all kind of risks with her characters, but I just think some tiding up in first part would be significantly better. This really interesting premise was wasted on being only setting for so many erotic scenes... It was too beautiful and elaborate and it had potential to be much more. This is why I wish there is a prequel story where we can see Firsts on a mission.. We don't get to see why Kiyen is top MI7 assassin, we just know he is in this novel, and it would be fun seeing how he uses his powers.