A review by mlboyd20
Mary Hades by Sarah Dalton


4.5 stars

I would like to thank the author and Xpresso Book Tours for giving me the opportunity to read this by providing me with a complimentary copy. Doing so does not sway my review in any way.

I have just found a new series to read. Mary Hades is a true mixture of mystery, murder and ghosts that pleased me from start to finish. Twists and turns in every chapter, but not to the point that was overwhelming. A campfire type story that is built up to stand on its own and carry through an entire book.

Mary Hades has been through a lot in her 17 years. She's seen things that very few do, she's experienced situations that you wouldn't wish on anyone. She takes this knowledge, using key elements as tools to what is coming. On top of all this, her best friend is a ghost. Between the two of them, they have the ability to outwit crazy spirits, bring others into their small circle and learn a thing or two about themselves along the way.

This is a great story to start the series with. It gives the reader the understanding of what Mary and her friend have experienced and what they have to look forward to. I recommend reading the prequel novellas too. The author gives the reader the information on their lives prior, but I feel that the prequels will fill in some of the blanks. You don't have to read the prequels to read this book though, the author fills the reader in on past happenings quite well.

The author got me on this one. I thought I knew where it was going and in some ways that's where it did go, but on another count it wasn't. I can't go into it because than I'd be giving the story away. The detailed settings throughout the book really kept the pace moving and I felt like I was there, part of the surroundings, watching the story unfold. My only dislike with this book was the character building of Seth. I felt like there was something missing with him, there were times when he just felt flat.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes a good ghost story, mixed with horror, suspense, mystery and thrills. I would say readers 13 and up would find this a great read. In some ways, it reminded me of Anna Dressed in Blood, but not in a copycat way, but in a good comparative style, ie if you liked ADiB, you'd like Mary Hades.

I look forward to reading further books in the Mary Hades series, and plan on doing so in the very near future. The horror genre is one of my favorites and Sarah Dalton is able to bring it to the reader through YA literature, leaving out a lot of the gore found in the adult horror books but still keeping the reader on the edge of their seat.