A review by readingwitherin
Above the Bay of Angels by Rhys Bowen



 Isabella takes the opportunity of a lifetime when she comforts a dying Helen Barton who is going for a job interview at the Royal Palace as a pastry chef. Isabella must choose between taking this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity even though it means she will have to lie or continuing on where she currently works as a servant who has no future prospects of being able to do what she loves which is baking/cooking.
Isabella ends up taking the opportunity but it is one that she languishes over for a time due to having to lie and keep her true identity a secret. Along with this she is learning how to become a better baker/cook and is loving it. When the Queen decides to go to Nice Isabella ends up getting chosen to go as she speaks french. While this does leave her being the only female kitchen staff, it also puts her in a unique position to figure out what is going on with the royals all while continuing to expand her knowledge of baking and cooking.

Overall I enjoyed this book. At times certain things did seem a little far-fetched especially when they got to Nice. She was able to have full moments alone with the queen and even made friends with other people who were visiting Nice that were rich which just seemed a little odd considering she was a kitchen staff member at that time. Yes, she had a good upbringing and knew certain things, but still, her position was kitchen staff and would have most likely been seen as that by the people who were rich that were around her for the most part. Having said that though it did make the story more interesting and allowed us to see more of Nice and what was happening with the Queen and her party of people as they enjoyed a nice vacation.

The ending I was okay with it and was nice because finally, Isabella wasn't on edge all the time because the person who was blackmailing her couldn't anymore.

I am interested in reading more by this author in the future as so many people love her writing and I did enjoy reading this book and getting to see Queen Victoria in a new light.