A review by t5678
The Star by Rosie Alice


I was really excited for this book and while the story did have good aspects to it, I was a bit let down. My first dislike is my own fault. I don’t care for stories with teenage MMC’s and these character defiantly act like teenagers. I cringed a number of times at the characters. But again they are supposed to be kids so I can’t judge too hard in that aspect. Next, there’s definitely a physical attraction between the main characters, yet their relationship lacks any real depth. The characters themselves lack true depth as well.
The one scene where we get any depth from the MMC is when he discusses his future and what he wants. He’s upset and feels he’s stuck in being the football star because that’s what his dead dad wanted for him. He also mentions he’d rather be a lawyer like his mother. Yet, at the end of the book, he’s about to be drafted for football…? I wish we had seen that emotional conversation have an impact on his future.
Also, the plot of the story kinda falls off toward the end and the main characters go at it like bunnies. A lot is left unresolved. In the end, it was just an okay book but I am curious about The Wicked as I was intrigued about the MMC of that book.