A review by booknookie
The Mephisto Club by Tess Gerritsen


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The sixth book in the series about detective Jane Rozzoli and the medical examiner Maura Isles. A series I have lately fallen completely in love with, even though I have already seen the whole TV show several times over. But the show travels so far away from the book series in the end that now, I hardly notice it anymore.

Not one of those five books before have received less than for stars. That is how good this series been so far. This is however the first time because I did not enjoy number 6 as much as I thought I would and quite frankly I'm a little disappointed.

The story, plot, murders and all that is still on point. It is exciting and filled with suspense. One star! The red thread and resolution in the end was easy to follow, nice history and interesting twists. One star! It was nice to meet the characters again and meet more of the Rizzoli family and drama surrounding it. One star! But that's it. Three stars is what I give. I didn't like how little we actually got to be with the main characters. It felt like it was the side characters who run the story. Who solved the crimes and hunted the bad guys. And Isles was just a sad, middle age woman, feeling sorry for herself throughout the book and Rizzoli was just detached from it all and frankly quite cold. It is not what it was in the earlier books.

Everyone can have a bad day (read book) and I think that this is Gerritsens bad day in this series. At least I'm hoping it. Because I really want to read more.