A review by bluefairybug
The Twins of Auschwitz by Eva Mozes Kor, Lisa Rojany Buccieri


Eva Mozes Kor is a hero of mine. She was a real powerhouse. A survivor who maintained all her humour until the end.

Having watched numerous documentaries about Eva/with Eva in, her story was not new to me. However everytime I read something about/by her I am reminded of the truly terrific woman she was. That's a review of Eva the person, not the book though.

So to the book. It was an "easy read" (in terms of language, not subject matter) and would be perfect for young adults or teens who need an introduction to the Holocaust. Eva writes as if she were still 10 years old as that's the age she was at the time. For me this isn't a negative thing, it adds a layer of realism to the story. Eva is, after all, recalling events that happened to her as a child, that she understood with all the innocence and intelligence of a child. Looking back as an adult and trying to explain and understand what happened with the benefit of hindsight and maturity would change the story somewhat.