A review by raven168
The Rogue King by Abigail Owen


This started out a little slow for me, but I was never bored with it. It was so painfully obvious how everything was going to end (I mean, heck, even the title gives it away) but I didn't mind so much because getting there was pretty damn good. I thought that Kasia and Brand were such a great couple. Despite Brand's difficult personality, somehow they just fit and I totally enjoyed them together.

I liked Kasia. There was only one time that I was so pissed off at her because she jumped to a conclusion that was so far off the mark and then started treating Brand like crap. Thankfully, that didn't last too exceptionally long. Aside from that, she was great. I have a soft spot for women who actually do as they're told because they know their own limits. I HATE the ones who do exactly as they're told not to just to prove they don't have to listen to anyone. They should all suffer. Anyway...Kasia knows how to fight and take care of herself, but at the same time she knows when she would be more of a burden than a help. I loved her sense of humor and sarcastic wit. She was smart and practical as well. She also has an awesome hell hound as a pet of sorts, and that's just cool.

Brand was a hero that didn't want to be one. He was as much fun to have around as Kasia was, but usually for a different reason. He was strong and fierce and dedicated to his goals. But he also had that caring side that only came out for Kasia. Was I swooning for him? No. But he was a damn fine male.

For pretty much all of her life, Kasia and her sisters have been hidden by their mother who is last living phoenix. The night her mother is murdered, before she dies, she sends each girl off to a different place for protection. Kasia is last and she also inherits her mother's phoenix powers. Which now would make her the biggest target in the shifter world should they learn of her existence. Unfortunately, it's her own actions that bring their attention to her. Having a hard time controlling her flames, Kasia seeks out help from a place she thought she could trust. Turns out, she couldn't. Shocking, I know. The head doctor has been telling all sorts of people about Kasia. Fortunately for her, Brand is the first one to show up.

When Brand was a child he watched his family murdered and another steal their throne. Forced to flee to save his life, he became a rouge with nowhere to go and nobody to turn to. Lucky for him, a blue dragon child found him and they became friends. Brand and Ladon had been working together ever since. Now that Ladon rules the blue dragons, Brand is that much closer to having a clan again if he can complete this one mission for Ladon. Bring him the phoenix.

Kasia has been having visions of Brand for so long that she has fallen for him in them. So when he shows up in front of her, she immediately wants to trust him. But that's hard to do when she finds out he's a dragon because she had always been taught never to trust a dragon. As they travel together though, she quickly realizes that he will do everything in his power to keep her safe. Which is good because they have a bunch of groups after them. It wasn't easy, but they eventually make it to Ladon.

From there, both Brand and Kasia have to find a way to fight the feelings they have developed for each other if she's to mate the blue king. Ladon gives Kasia time and tries to woo her in a way. But during this time the place is attacked by the gold dragons and the two of them find themselves alone again unable to deny what each wants. Forever tying them to each other. I was impressed with how Brand wanted to handle things with Ladon over this, so it really ticked me off how Ladon responded. I mean, I get it. But dammit man, just listen! When Kasia has another vision about Brand is when she gets super stupid and I just wanted to smack her. But there's one more fight to win alongside a pack of werewolves and they need all the help they can get. Which also forces Kasia to get her head on straight. The end of the fight was, again predictable, but also pretty good. With the very end also being quite satisfying even being open as it was.

It definitely seems as though Ladon's book is next and he'll end up with one of Kasia's sisters. I look forward to seeing how that goes.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.