A review by lunaseassecondaccount
Gothic Charm School: An Essential Guide for Goths and Those Who Love Them by Jillian Venters


Many have stated that this book repeats itself and a lot of it can really come down to common sense. However, some people don't realise that being kind to people on the street also means being kind to people at clubs, music concerts, in the shops, at work and online. And common sense, as the adage goes, isn't really that common. I will accept that [a:Jillian Venters|2776609|Jillian Venters|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1245956075p2/2776609.jpg] repeats herself a bit, but sometimes it's necessary.

A lot of this book is also just general tips on manners and kindness. I will admit I think Venters was trying to pad the book out a bit, which I think is fair enough. But there are some goths who do think they are a bit above it all and haughtier-than-though and could do with some tips on how to be nicer.

But this book is quaint, cute and I do like the Lady of the Manners/Miss Manners attitude she takes to it. And no, I don't think Venters really sees herself as above everyone. I believe it's just a persona, folks.