A review by readtolive
My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling


Be warned. Writing a review on the final book in a series is nearly impossible to do without spoilers for the earlier books. So, if you have not read them, you may want to turn away. Go see my reviews of My Ex From Hell and My Date From Hell. That might be safer. Go now. I will wait.

Okay, so everyone left, you guys have read the first two books, right? Right? Okay, good. Moving on.

So, you guys thought books 1 and 2 were tense? Hah! Nothing, NOTHING compared to this one. I rather literally had to pry the ereader out of my hands. I mean, seriously. I have scars. .

Just when Sophie finally gets a handle on the game she has to play, someone (I dislike Felicia, like, with a passion) goes ahead and changes all of the rules so that the game is completely changed. And curveballs and cliffhanger chapter endings? Yep, this was totally filled with them.

I am so overwhelmed I am finding it hard to find the correct words to convey the emotions I feel right now. There were quite a few times reading this one that I was angry and wanted to pummel some of the characters. Kai was a big one. Then Theo, Felicia. Hannah even got a glower from me at one pivotal point in the story. But, I digress.

This is a book that will have your brain moving in so many different directions, you will make yourself dizzy trying to keep up with the ping-pong like sets of scenarios that play out within the pages. You really just have to go get it, like right now. And Read it.

Comment below if you have read this story. Let me know if I am the only one who felt dizzy by the time the series was done!