A review by celiapowell
Lion in the Valley by Elizabeth Peters


"You were talking in your sleep last night, Amelia."

"What nonsense, Emmerson! I never talk in my sleep. It is a sign of mental instability. What was I saying?"

Ah, love the banter.


Awww - I love these books. Amelia's capture and rescue was quite thrilling, and I enjoyed her musings about the Master Criminal being like the pharoahs, a lion in a valley of goats. About to commence the carnage, one assumes. I am even enjoying Ramses now, who at first I found rather insufferable, but an insufferable character is much more endearing when it is apparent that his own parents find him rather insufferable (or at least, Amelia does). It makes me wonder whether Ramses is one of those characters that authors speak of that emerge in their mind, and then rampage through their stories doing whatever they like.


Also, listening to this as an audio book makes me begin speaking with a rather English accent, much to my husband's bewilderment.