A review by yazzy101
Tempest by Julie Cross


Tempest!!! well! what can I say, I didn't know what to expect from this book because the blurb, like most books, does give you a full picture of the book. and I was glad because, even though the blurb is great, it doesn't tell you how amazing this story is.

Contains spoilers (no big ones anyway)

Jackson was normal, still is kinda, he has a girlfriend he's in love with, Holly, a Best friend he can trust, Adam, until the day he turns 18 when during one boring french class, dreaming to somewhere else to be, he magically appears there. but before he can figure out what just happened he's right back in the class room, like it never happened. it takes him a while, and Adam, to figure out he's not crazy only a time-traveler. So far his record is about two day into the past, i know thats not much but hey what can you do, that is until the day he see his girlfriend, Holly, shot that he freaks and, on impulse, jumps two years into the past, before they had even meet, before he and Adam had meet. With no-one to turn to what can you do? not only is it freaky enough being in the past but he soon finds out he's trapped in the past and doesn't know how to save the girl he hasn't meet yet from being shot by two strange men who seem to have it out for him. With time not on his side he must find Adam and get a solution to an seemingly endless problem that becomes bigger with every day that passes. Find Holly and make sure she's safe from unknown men, and figure out the secret behind his life, and genes.

I really liked this book because the story didn't seem to end where expected. and left you not only wanting more but also who to trust.
I did start to fall of the relationship created, holly and Jackson, but thought there was more emotion behind it, but it was fine (Considering it was from a guys point of view) i did like the test and experiment and even thought it got a little bit unrealistic with the whole CIA and EOTs stuff she used it well and made it so it wasn't realistic or logical any other way. And the main reason i bought this book was because of the cover. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, i LOVED it. and the only reason this book didn't get the full five was because of the ending. No it not a bad ending, and in his position i would have done the same thing, but it was sad and i wished there was another way.