A review by bykaitrose
The Onyx Talisman by Brenda Pandos


The Onyx Talisman, the final book in the Talisman series, does not disappoint fans of the trilogy. It's full of action, suspense, steamy romance, and blood-crazed vampires. Fans will get everything they wanted and more!

Getting back into the story takes pretty much no time at all. Things pick up shortly after the ending of The Sapphire Talisman and it's hard not to get sucked back in. Tension is high, hearts are broken, and friendships are being tested. The Onyx Talisman is one surprise after another.

Julia was a bit whiny. Her life was falling apart and she got one surprise after another but it almost seemed like Nicholas was the only thing that mattered to her. She was blind to what needed to be done because there was a chance that it might cause her to lose him. She seemed a little obsessive. It also seemed that their relationship was a little too mushy. I honestly just didn't see Nicholas acting the way he did in this book. There were times he acted like his old self (and I loved that) but there were also times that he seemed like a completely different person. Phil, on the other hand, was his old self. He was wonderful and funny and a great guy.

The end was both satisfying and not. Things seemed to work out too perfectly. I just found it rather hard to believe. I also felt that it was a little too hasty. It just felt like everything happened way too fast. There was a lot of build up throughout the book and things were just resolved quite easily at the end. I liked the ending but I would have liked a bit more depth to it.

Overall, The Onyx Talisman will satisfy readers and leave them completely in love with the Talisman series and it's wonderful characters.