A review by nicki_j
Bootstrapper: From Broke to Badass on a Northern Michigan Farm by Mardi Jo Link


Link begins her book with the presupposition that every little girl wants to grow up and own a farm. She actually says that, like marrying prince charming, this is a common fantasy. Could that be any further from the truth? For me, no. Working on a farm is my personal nightmare. But I could look past that and admire her passion for it. Her love of her sons is heartwarming. But beyond that, I don't have much to say. I thought her constant mention of how wonderful her BOYS were and the neighborhood BOYS were and the fact that they were BOYS was kind of..anti-girl. Like, if she had had three girls, she couldn't have saved the farm. I got the impression that being female, or perhaps feminine, was something that Link views with disdain.