A review by melwyk
The Newspaper of Claremont Street by Elizabeth Jolley


This was an odd tale, and not what I'd expected -- I didn't realize that Jolley was known for the macabre (well, maybe I would have if I'd read the cover blurb first...)

Though this novel is short, it contains a great deal of texture. Weekly's backstory is fully drawn, as is her character. She works very hard, with a goal in mind, and despite her ridiculousness in the eyes of others, she has an inner life that they know nothing about. The story provides a glimpse into a lonely life, and what keeps someone like Weekly going despite hard circumstances. The writing is measured, the pace quite deliberate. I think this reflects the pace of Weekly's life; keep your head down, work hard, follow routine, until you're able to make your big break.

This is a brief but intriguing story of a unique character. It's worth searching out for all the social observations and for the character of Weekly herself.
Full review here