A review by anitalouise
Conquest by S.J. Frost


Sweet, sexy and a little bit frustrating. Loved the two MCs. They both had that tortured musician thing down! I've always thought that musicians who are so talented and into their music, know everything there is to know about music are sort of otherworldly. Started out a little insta-lovey but it was handled well. You could feel the connection between Evan and Jesse! Almost heard the click when these two came together - like puzzle pieces that just fit. The chemistry between the two was almost visible!! The sexy times - oooo weee! Soooooo good!! And when Evan did what he did. Boy, I sobbed. I just love romance and this gave me such a romance fix. Two guys who loved each other but couldn't get out of each other's way. Why frustrating - you could almost hear the shoe drop. Romance reads have a somewhat standard formula and some books handle it well and some sort of broadcast that something will go awry. That's not necessarily a bad thing but this book shouted out you - "look out - something bad is about to go down!!" The secondary characters - band members, producers, all great and excellently portrayed. But what about Tim? Have we heard the last of him? He was a bit of a caricature and I couldn't figure out just why he was such a dickhead! I imagine he may be back.... I also couldn't quite figure out why Greg was so dead set against Evan and Jesse. Maybe I live in a liberal bubble but my stance is "so what..." Just realized, though, that this was published in 2009! That explains Greg's reaction. I love rock star romances and this was so well done. Needs a bit of editing. Formatting issues and some spelling boo-boos but didn't detract from the overall read.