A review by lindzlovesreading
White Tears by Hari Kunzru


I wanted to love this book. A Great Gatsby-esque, haunted blues music, with a heavy horror element, that also deals with race. This is completely up my alley. The fact it didn't work for me, broke my heart a little. I am not sure what didn't exactly work for me. Yes, it's pretenious, which doesn't usually work for horror, but I am usually fine with pretenious, I read enough Eastern Ellis in my early 20s, I am comfortable with it. I liked the blurring of the time line, and I am fine with the turn. I love the turns like this, and this is a good turn. I think the thing that got me is, I didn't understand why the main character was attracted to this wealthy family. He is far too datached, and all you are left with a bunch of assholes with no motovations. The main character (I can't even remember his name) keeps saying he was my best friend, but I never got a hint of emotional connection from him in the slightest.

I always says if you don't like a book it says more about me than it does the book. And this book wasn't willing to give me the thing I wanted from it. It was intersted in something else. And we didn't click. Sometimes the book just isn't into you.